Here at I’m passionate about all things car related, and especially the science of tyres.
Think about it, when you drive your car, SUV, pickup or whatever, you feel safe and cocooned in. However, the only thing that keeps you on the road, ensures acceleration as well as braking are those small patches of tyre contact with the road.

I’ve always been a bit of a ‘petrol-head’, and it started at the young age of 14 when I got my first off road track bike. After school and on weekends I’d constantly tinker with the bike, and at one stage even took the whole gearbox apart to ‘service’ it. Needless to say, we had to get an expert to assemble everything again as I always had some parts left over after assembly!
At the end, I did go on to study for a Degree in Industrial Engineering, and always maintained the love for anything mechanical, especially cars. Then, as soon as I bought my first car with run-flat tyres, I really developed an interest in tyres.
It’s amazing how much research and science goes into tyre development, and if you’re a fan of Formula 1 or any type of racing, you’ll know this.

My name is Nick Lima, and I’ve set up this site as part of a passion project, and also to learn more about tyres. And yes, I’m based in the United Kingdom, hence talking about ‘tyres’ and not ‘tires’! Well, it doesn’t matter anyway – Google is clever enough to know it’s the same thing when you search for it.

I hope you enjoy browsing through the site, and perhaps also learn a thing or two. If you have any suggestions, recommendations or just want to get in touch, you can use the contact form on the site.
And just for the fun of it, below is a picture of the kids climbing all over my wife’s car as well!